Hey there! I’m Bertie Roberts, a fitness fanatic from New Jersey, USA with a passion for extreme sports, traveling, and just living life on the edge. I’ve also discovered that I am a massive David Bowie fan, not only for his music but because his quote is the one I live by. No day is the same, and I never know where I’m headed, but that’s how I like it!
“I don’t know where I’m going, but I promise it won’t be boring” – David Bowie
I’m an avid explorer with a burning desire to travel to as many areas around the globe as I possibly can, in search of creating new experiences and connecting with nature. I love the challenges that come with backpacking, whether that’s hiking treacherous mountains to reach the peak or heading deep into narrow caves with just a head torch and camping supplies.
I’ve been on my fair share of expeditions over the years and learned many things along the way that I couldn’t find out online, so I wanted to put my experience to good use and share useful tricks I have learned, with you budding explorers. I also bought a massive world map poster, put a red pin in New Jersey to see my starting off point, and green pins to everywhere I have visited with a picture next to it, as it’s a good reminder of the crazy times I’ve had and the places I’ve explored. I’ve lost count of how many pins I’ve put in it now, but there’s still plenty of unexplored land for me to get my teeth into.

On my page, you can find useful information about where I think the best places are to visit, depending on your budget and what kind of adventure you want. Would you prefer a simple camping holiday, trekking up mountains, or taking long hikes across vast National Parks.
I’ll also be giving you advice on what to bring and what to leave at home when embarking on different trips, to ensure you don’t underpack, or possibly worse depending on how you look at it, overpack.